Sunday, October 30, 2016

{'Godly' womanhood in a per Debi Pearl and such}

Dear Girl, 
Whether you're newly married, single, or have been married for years, I just know that the tactics in this book will prove invaluable to you in your journey of placating the male gender in order to secure your own lasting happiness which can only be found when you are fulfilling your submissive role. 
Firstly, you must know that there are two types of woman: the Proverbs 31/Titus 2 woman, and, well, the Bathshebas and Jezebels of the world. Make sure you're the former. This entails staying at home, striving to be feminine and dainty and modest and saintly. You must sexy only for your husband, yet worthy of a pedestal to the rest of the world. If you are the latter, or any less than the former, then God will be furious with you for tempting his menfolk to sin. 
The fundamental thing you must learn is that men are always superior. always. unequivocally. without exception. God made it that way for your own good. You're a silly, weak, emotional creature who needs to be kept in line by a man, and therefore God made men. Depending on your status, this could be your father, brothers, husband, or, well, any other man really. Men > women. always. this is why women are not supposed to work. or preach. or teach. or get a job outside the house. because if they do, then they are usurping the man's role as always superior. 
Secondly, submission means that you do not question, do not disagree, do not argue with anything that the man says. If your father says something, your husband says something, then you render joyful unquestioning obedience. It matters not how unreasonable or irritable he may be.  The more you bow down before him, reverence him, and give him unlimited power over your life, the more he will be inclined to be magnanimous, and the more he will love and cherish you. (I dare you to ask the slaves how that worked for them)
Remember that there is no such thing as abuse, when it comes from a 'Christian' man. If it appears to you, weak woman that you are, that he is being abusive, just remember that you do not know everything; and what seems like abuse to you might really be ordained by God for your own good... or something that God told the man... or a decision which he made for your ultimate good... or because you did something wrong... so just pray that God will help you to submit and do whatever he tells you. After all, the reason that you feel like you are being abused is because you are really just mad that you cannot dictate his actions to him. remember your place. 
Thirdly, you must respect him. he doesn't want or need your love. he needs your respect. This means that under no circumstances must you damage his poor frail male ego. Even the slightest hint of doubt will be enough to cripple a man for life. Do not tell him anything that is wrong with him. Do not ask him to change. Do not dare criticize him. It is simply pride that makes you feel like you are in a position to preach to *the man*. Sit down and shut your mouth. 
Modesty is paramount. Men are simply incapable of controlling themselves, to the point where even the mere shape of the female form will lead them into unspeakable sins. If you are an unmarried woman, then you are singlehandedly responsible for all men around you. If any guy finds you attractive, then you are guilty of seduction on par with the sin of Bathsheba, and consequently responsible for making the stronger vessels fall. Of course, the only place where modesty ceases to matter is if you are married and alone with your husband. Then, it is your bounden duty to be sexy and make him want you so that he doesn't cheat on you because you have failed in your duty as a wife. 
If you are unmarried and in a relationship, then you must hold sex over his head as the ultimate reward for marrying you. You can't possibly expect him to be willing to put up with all your female mood swings and high maintenance selves. Guys don't want that. God didn't create them to want that, or even be able to understand your emotionality. Guys only want one thing. That one thing is sex. Girls want love and security and safety and a family, but all the guy really needs is for you to agree with him in everything and give him lots of sex. 
That's why you aren't supposed to give him sex before he marries you. Because all he really wants from you is sex, so if you give it to him before you get a wedding ring, then he will leave you. Who wants the cow if you can get the milk for free? Before he marries you, you ought to be the paragon of female angelic purity. You're a girl, therefore can't understand his sex drive. Just understand that that's the way all men are. Girls want love, guys want sex. 
However, once he marries you, then sex is what will keep him married to you. Sex and submission. Become his personal slut. Act out all his sexual fantasies. Whether you like it or not is really of no consequence. It isn't for your pleasure, nor is it supposed to be. As per the revered Doug Wilson, "the sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts".  You should just be happy that you've pleased him. Unless, of course, it's anal sex because that's what homosexuals do. (yes, this was actual advice. I'm not making this up). 
Don't have female friends because that could lead to homosexuality. Don't have male friends because they might hug you and you will thereby cause them to fall. Your husband might also feel threatened by the fact that you care about someone other than him. Your husband should be all in all to you - best friend, lover, prophet, priest....after all, you honor God by obeying your husband. If he cheats on you, it is your fault for not having enough sex with him. If his eyes wander, it is your fault for not being sexy enough. 
Finally, nothing is free. You earn love. You earn God's love through your implicit obedience to your husband, and you earn your husband's love as well. You must admire and respect and adore and worship him for who he is, without even daring to whisper a hint of changing him - but God forbid you be arrogant enough to expect him to love you for who you are! You earn and keep your husband's love through ample sex, maintaining your youthful figure, wearing makeup (or..not..depending on what he likes), being beautiful, being a sex goddess in private and a perfect homemaker christian wife in public, making him the envy of all his male friends, making him look good in front of the church, deferring to him in absolutely everything, and in all other ways serving him as his housemaid/whore/slave/worshipper all rolled into one. 
If you do all this, then you will be fulfilling your sole and chief purpose as a woman. For the married woman, by following these principles, you will honor God and honor your husband, and you will find fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. God will be pleased with you, your husband will love you, and your kids will rise up and call you blessed and want a marriage just like the one that you have. If you are single, or still unmarried, then you can practice these principles of submission and respect on your father and your brothers while you wait for a young man to approach your father for your hand in marriage. 
And anyone who disagrees is a lesbian feminist who has forsaken her God-given place, thereby bringing disgrace upon her gender, and God's curse upon society. 

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